Danae Kapasakali

Scientific collaborator

  • Core Skills:
    Benthic taxonomy, biodiversity and ecology, lab management

Danae Kapasakali started her studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece, focusing on benthic ecology and ecosystem engineering species, and continued with a master’s degree in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at Ghent University, Belgium.  Her working experience also started at Ghent University where she was involved in projects over the effects of wind farms in soft substrate macrobenthos and copepod communities in Belgian waters. She was also the content manager of the Marine Training Platform (marinetraining.eu). one of the EMBRC services aiming to facilitate and centralise access to marine education and training opportunities in Europe. She is a well experienced marine invertebrate taxonomist and has been working since 2016 at RBINS (Marine Ecology and Management – MARECO group) where she is also responsible for the management of the MARECO lab facilities. She has focused on the biodiversity and functioning of hard substrate macrofauna in natural gravel areas and artificial structures.