Colin Janssen

Professor, Laboratory Director

  • Address Info
    Laboratory for Environmental Toxicology and Aquatic Ecology, Coupure Links 653, geb. F, 9000 Gent
  • Occupation:
    Professor, Laboratory Director

Colin R. Janssen is full professor (gewoon hoogleraar) of Ecotoxicology and Marine Ecology at GhEnToxLab ( He is the chair of the Marine@UGent research consortium ( ) and the BLUeGhent IOF consortium. He holds a Master’s degree in Zoology and obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Biological Sciences (1992) from the same university. His research interests include the ecological risks of chemicals and other stressors in marine systems, stress and evolutionary ecology, and ecological risk assessment modelling / procedures for chemicals and environmental stressors such as global change. He has (co)authored more than 350 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has been the (co-)promotor of thirty doctoral dissertations. A full publication list can be found at