This service provides access to a GC-MS and GC-FID Agilent7890 + PTV, available at the Marine Biology Research Group (MARBIOL) of Ghent University
The Marine Biology Research Group of Ghent University (Belgium, Europe), part of the Faculty of Sciences, addresses a broad range of research questions, from understanding fundamental ecological processes to more applied questions on the effects of environmental stress on marine organisms and ecosystems to the management of large scale impacts, such as global change.
Our research has a marine biological focus, especially related to the benthic (bottom) compartment of the sea, while occasionally also water column processes are integrated in our research. The research group is comprehensively equipped with modern instrumentation and laboratory facilities allowing us to mimic the natural environment and offering us the possibility to investigate small bottom dwelling organisms, such as meiofauna and macrofauna in all their aspects (including taxonomy, ecology, biochemistry, functioning, and toxicology). We have access to state of the art molecular and chemical lab facilities to perform innovative marine research. Through links with external organisations, both regionally, and via numerous international collaborations, we participate in, amongst others, deep-sea, tropical and polar research. Our interdisciplinary approach to education and research is deeply rooted and we offer innovative MSc, and PhD degree programmes. Those are delivered in an active participation environment in order to safeguard a knowledge and best practice transfer for future generations.