Access to Artemia gnotobiotic tool box

by UGent - Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center


Artemia Gnotobiotic toolbox

The Artemia gnotobiotic tool box or GART (Gnotobiotic ARTemia platform) refers to the methodology to hatch and culture Artemia axenically or with a known microflora under strictly controlled environmental parameters.

By eliminating the complex interactions between the microbiological community, the environmental conditions and the target organism, the effect of the presence of a single or of few micro-organisms can be studied.


GART thus allows for a more accurate assessment of the role of microbiota than xenic cultures. It is used to screen a variety of compounds with aquaculture potential, such as pre- and probiotics, feed components and immuno-stimulants. It offers the possibility to verify at high throughput and low cost in vitro findings under in vivo conditions prior to testing on a larger scale with commercial species.

UGent - Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center

Our research group is renowed worldwide for its research, education and services on the culture of fish and shellfish larvae. Our lab is coordinator of the interfaculty academic research group 'UGent Aquaculture R&D Consortium'. It is also the driving force behind Aqua UGent, our University's business center for Sustainable Aquaculture. This consortium groups over 150 top scientists to lead the way in hatchery management, genomics and breeding, microbial management, health management, environmental monitoring and aquaculture business management. Through Aquaculture Ghent University, companies, government institutions, consumer and professional organizations have direct access to the technologies, expertise and products that are developed by Ghent University.