Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ)

Flanders Marine Institute

The Flanders Marine Institute promotes the accumulation of knowledge and excellence in sound interdisciplinary research regarding the ocean, seas, coast and tidal estuaries. We do this together with other (marine) research groups and industrial partners in Flanders, Belgium or abroad.
VLIZ wants to create added value by initiating and conducting research in collaboration with academic and industrial partners.
The provision of services to the marine research community, educators, the public at large, policymakers and the industry is a central focus.
As a partner in various projects and networks, we promote the international image of Flemish marine research and international marine education.

Marine Station Ostend

Experimental facilities

Data Centre



Experimental seawater tanks

biological resources

Microbial biobank and environmental DNA biobank in development

ecosystem access

Access to biota and their habitat in the Southern North Sea, ROVs,

technology platforms

Access to imaging facilities and flow cytometry,

supporting facilities

Access to library, office space and meeting rooms